Religion. Ferdinand II tried to enforce Roman Catholic absolutism in his domain.

Protestant nobles from Austria and Bohemia rebelled. After five years of struggle Ferdinand I was victorious. King Christian, the Danish King, saw an opportunity to regain territory lost to Sweden. Denmark lost its European status in 1692. But, Sweden invaded Poland, winning many princes for his anti-Roman Catholic and anti-imperial cause. The conflict was a catalyst for the ambitions and expansion of many powers. The rise in Protestantism impacts Europe greatly. They suffered constant civil wars between German states which embraced Protestantism and other countries that supported the Roman Catholic church. The protestant reformation caused most of Europe’s problems. Jan Hus was executed (1415).

Jan Hus was the son of a Norwegian priest. His career was spent teaching. Hus used the works of John Wycliffe as a guide. He was a strong believer in the centrality of the Bible in Church. As a result, he elevated biblical preaching into a prominent position in church services. Many clergy felt their lifestyles being questioned. His popularity was a surprise to the majority. They threw him out of Church and told Hus to stop preaching. They also asked for the Wycliffe books to be burned by the church. Hus refused and was condemned by the church. Hus preached about indulgences by the pope. The pope finally excommunicated Hus. He placed Prague under interdict. Huis moved to Prague, but he continued to preach. Hus’ teachings only caused him to be in trouble. 1415 He was summoned before the Council of Constance. Emperor Sigismund promised him safe behavior. Soon after arriving, he was taken into custody. Wycliffe’s teachings were condemned by the council. Hud was sentenced for his beliefs. He was formaly condemned and surrendered to secular authorities. Hua had enjoyed popularity among many, and his heroic demise only added to his fame. His followers rebelled against Catholicism and began a conflict which would eventually lead the Thirty Years war.

Rudolph II and The Letter of Majesty

Rudolph attempted to establish his authority over Bohemia in 1611. Rudolph tried to assert his authority over bohemia. Matthias was called by the bohemian Estates to assist them. Rudolph’s failed attempt at authority was futile. Matthias was named King of Bohemia in 1611-1616 as a reward for his support. Rudolph passed away in 1612 and Mathias took the title of Holy Roman Emperor. Although he was still childless, it was unknown who would be his successor. Ferdinand of Styria was crowned king by the Bohemian Nobles on June 1617. He was a catholic and refused to tolerate non-Catholics within Bohemia. His appointment was feared by the Protestants, who wanted him to be elected as the elector of Saxony and Palatine. Ferdinand was allowed to hold the letter majesty and was given the title. Ferdinand required ten assistants to run Bohemia. Seven of them were catholic, while three were protestant. Matthias died on March 16, 1619. Ferdinand, Holy Roman Emperor and King Bohemia, succeeded him. Ferdinand set his sights on the re-Catholicism of the empire. Others Holy Roman Empires were afraid of this approach and believed that they could be easily wiped out if left alone. The Bohemians suffered a terrible revolt, but the Catholics had a chance to seize an important part of Bohemia.

Building a Protestant church.

Ferdinand II was not liked by the Protestants. While they enjoyed freedom under his reign, the emperor was stomping on Catholicism. Ferdinand, a faithful catholic, closed one protestant church and destroyed the other. Ferdinand wanted to make the entire country catholic. The defenestration in Prague was the beginning of the violence. Bohemian rebels stormed Ferdinand’s royal palace. Frederick V was elected king by the presidents. Ferdinand was Hapsburg.


  • luketaylor

    Luke Taylor is an educational blogger and professor who uses his blog to share his insights on educational issues. He has written extensively on topics such as online learning, assessment, and student engagement. He has also been a guest speaker on various college campuses.

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