How A Woman In Today’s Society And Advertisement Is Expected To Be

What do you consider a “Super Woman?” The last 20 years have seen women molded to fit the expectations of society. You can find them in pretty dresses and subtle makeup at work, as well as at home cooking and cleaning up after dinner. The advertisement for “Bed, Bath and Beyond”, shows how women in modern society are expected to behave. This includes being able multitask in different situations and being able to stay in one place at a given time. The advertisement encourages viewers to see women as objects that are only meant to please others.

To me, a superwoman is one who can take care of herself by all means. Multi-tasking is a sign of independence and power, but I believe there are other ways women can be depicted. Multitasking is not the only thing a woman can do. Women have been adapting to changing expectations and giving women an independence. Women may think it is easy to conform and be the perfect housewife. However, it is not true. Conformity is when you align your beliefs, attitudes and behavior with the group norms. Norms are unspoken rules that guide people’s interactions with one another. … For example, people tend to follow social norms when eating or watching television, even when alone” ( Also, it means that you are following society’s rules.

One thing I believe this ad is emphasizing is the multitasking ability of women. A woman can do many things simultaneously in this ad. She is seen throwing away things, ironing, washing dishes, and making dinner. On the other, the ad portrays a woman capable of doing multiple tasks at once, and clearly is not tired. It is promoting the notion that women should be this “superhuman” being who never gets tired. She is happy and cheerful with her tasks. This ad shows that multitasking doesn’t have to be bad, but that it’s something women should expect.

The ad features a woman doing many tasks, but the important message behind it all is what is being said. The message behind this ad says that women are fine with being conformists to society; the role of housewife. It’s okay for a man to do everything he doesn’t want. While we are grateful for the men who work and provide for us, have women ever considered the perspective of the woman? Maybe they don’t want be a housewife/trophy wife? Maybe they’d like to get outside and take in the fresh air before Donald Trump takes us all down emotionally.

It may seem appealing for some women that they can do many things at once. But, some women may find there is more to life then just cleaning and cooking. There are many ways women can show their multi-talented abilities. Like many other ads, this one shows a false reality that women are expected be certain things and act in certain ways. Many women feel this ad dehumanizes them by focusing on their household chores. Some women may feel empowered and given a purpose by this ad.

Women have been “stay-at-home” wives since the beginning of history. Although not much has changed in the ensuing decades, there have been changes in the traditional roles of women. Traditional roles of men have been to support the family and be the head. Recent research shows that social expectations are shifting. More mothers are now working, and the household responsibilities are being shared among the parents.

While women’s roles in society have not changed much, there are some differences between the past and today. It is not possible for women to be left behind, or hidden behind curtains, performing indigenous tasks. Women are showing men more than just making beds and sweeping the floor. Women are now moving beyond being content at home and setting goals for themselves. Our society has placed a lot of importance on our behavior in public. “Have dinner ready. Get ready. Makeup, ribbons and freshen up. He was just with a lot work-tired people. Be a bit more gay and interesting. Clear out all clutter and wipe the tables with a damp cloth.” This essay lists the many chores a woman has to do. The woman lived a life that revolved around her home and family, even going out with friends. Society invented quilt and sewing clubs when women began complaining about boredom. Because their lives depended so heavily on their men, they would do anything for their men. Disagreement with her husband was the most grave of all errors. The men have almost absolute control over their wives”(A Woman’s Role during the 1950s Roobix Coob). This is the definition of female conformity. The world we live in has made it possible for women to always find something to do. But you can’t do it at work.

Women have always been home managers, whether they are submissive or immodest. Wade (1987) Maslach and Santee state that the male role in a household is to be independent, masculine, assertive and self-confident. This makes it more difficult for men to conform. The female role also includes empathy for others. This makes conforming and maintaining peace easier. These opposite personality traits in women and men provide a foundation for conforming or not. “… This reflects the way women in traditional cultures think. (Women are more conformist than men Victoria Wayne).

The ad encourages viewers to see only the surface. The surface is just the tip of the iceberg. It encourages viewers see women as objects for the sole purpose of pleasing others. It is important to remember that conformity among women does not place them under the microscope of society. The ad features a happy woman doing what it is she loves. It is both. Women love to cook and clean, but they also love other activities. Working, sports, entertaining. Serena Williams is a great example of this. How did she get to where they are today? She didn’t conform to society’s gender expectations and did the things she loved.

Although the ad would like women to look like that woman in the photo, this does NOT mean that they should. You might just want to feel the same confidence as her and to enjoy your work. You can be yourself and not conforming is the best thing. This ad shows how to follow the status quo. Perhaps it’s time for us to change the status quo.


  • luketaylor

    Luke Taylor is an educational blogger and professor who uses his blog to share his insights on educational issues. He has written extensively on topics such as online learning, assessment, and student engagement. He has also been a guest speaker on various college campuses.

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